FY 2013 Budget Details

Published: Mon, 02/13/12

In this update:
         Defense Environmental Cleanup
         Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup
         Uranium Enrichment D&D Fund
         UE D&D Transfer
         Weapons Activities
         Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
         Naval Reactors
         Office of the Administrator
      Nuclear Energy
         SMR Licensing Technical Support
         Fuel Cycle R&D
President Obama released his fiscal year 2013 budget request this morning. Secretary Chu followed with a more detailed briefing of the DOE budget this afternoon.
At the topline, President Obama proposed a 3.2 increase in funding for the Department of Energy from the fiscal 2012 enacted budget.  The President's fiscal 2013 budget request would provide $27.2 billion in discretionary funds to the department.
Detailed budget request information is available here.


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request

Environmental Management

$5.667 billion

$5.71 billion

$5.65 billion

Defense Environmental Cleanup

$4.979 billion

$5.002 billion

$5.472 billion

Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup


$225.11 million

$235.31 million

$198.51 million

Uranium Enrichment D&D Fund


$497.08 million

$472.18 million

$442.49 million

UE D&D Transfer

-$33.63 million


-$463 million

EM Funding by Site (select sites)


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request


$1.04 billion

$1.021 billion

$1.037 billion


$403.45 million

$389.8 million

$405.4 million

Los Alamos


$191.8 million

$188.56 million

$239.14 million



$62.51 million

$65.55 million

$64.64 million

Oak Ridge

$401.14 million

$419.76 million

$421.25 million

River Protection

$1.134 billion

$1.181 billion

$1.172 billion


$144.37 million

$143.08 million

$142.48 million


$257.6 million

$254.53 million

$186.67 million

Savannah River

$1.3 billion

$1.316 billion

$1.303 billion


$220 million

$218.18 million

$202.99 million

West Valley

$59.59 million

$66.3 million

$49.88 million




FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request


$10.525 billion

$11 billion

$11.535 billion

Weapons Activities


$6.865 billion

$7.214 billion

$7.577 billion

Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation


$2.281 billion

$2.295 billion

$2.458 billion

Naval Reactors


$985.53 million

$1.08 billion

$1.088 billion

Office of the Administrator


$393.29 million

$410 million

$411.28 million


Office of Legacy Management


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request

Office of Legacy Management

$170.87 million

$169.6 million

$177.95 million


Nuclear Energy (and select Nuclear Energy programs)


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request

Nuclear Energy

$806 million

$858.74 million

$770.45 million

SMR Licensing Technical Support


$67 million

$65 million

Fuel Cycle R&D

$182.43 million

$186.26 million

$175.44 million

The Fuel Cycle R&D program "includes $60 million for continued R&D to enable storage, transportation, and disposal of used nuclear fuel and all radioactive wastes. This work also aligns with recommendations made in the January 2012 report by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future."


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request


$1.771 billion

$1.809 billion

$2.337 billion


Office of Science


FY11 Actual

FY12 Enacted

FY13 Request

Office of Science

$4.897 billion

$4.873 billion

$4.992 billion

Only in Washington... EM Acting Assistant Secretary Huizenga moved to Senior Advisor with no role change

Today, Secretary Chu informed DOE employees that Acting Assistant Secretary for EM Dave Huizenga will now serve as Senior Advisor for Environmental Management (see email from Chu below).  The Federal Vacancies Reform Act prevents one or more people from serving in any acting position for more than 210 days, and that period for the Acting Assistant Secretary for EM expires this week.    According to Chu's email, Huizenga will continue to manage the EM program as a Senior Advisor.  It is unclear at this time if there are plans to nominate someone else for the Assistant Secretary position.  ECA will continue to provide updates on this story as they become available. 
Secretary Chu's Email
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 11:52 AM
Subject: Huizenga named Senior Advisor for Environmental Management

Dear Colleagues:

Over the past seven months, Dave Huizenga has led the Environmental Management (EM) program as the Acting Assistant Secretary for EM, bringing clarity and focus to the complex management and technical challenges required to perform the EM mission. He has approached the position with dedication, enthusiasm, and a strong commitment to continue improving operations across the EM complex.

Dave has focused on achieving management and scientific excellence throughout EM, and we are already starting to see the benefits for the American people and the communities around each of our sites. The EM reorganization that took effect yesterday, for example, is helping to strengthen our project management efforts, support our site and field offices, and better integrate cleanup approaches across the complex.

As many of you know, the time line set by the Federal Vacancies Reform Act for someone to serve as the acting Assistant Secretary for EM expires this week. In order to keep the focus on advancing our mission-critical work, I have asked Dave to take a position as the Senior Advisor for Environmental Management, where he will continue to manage the EM program. As the Senior Advisor for Environmental Management, Dave continues to have my full confidence and support to make decisions and direct EM's operations both at Headquarters and in the field.

Under Dave's leadership, and with my support and the support of all senior management across DOE, we will continue to advance our critical efforts to clean up the nation's Cold War legacy.


Steven Chu 
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